Friday, April 13, 2007

Nothing New

Nothing new to report. For those not in the adoption loop, (as one who works in the media) I can assure you that most of the newspaper articles that are out there are a little strong in the message and give the impression Russia is STOPPING adoptions.
The articles really don't say anything more than what you've read on this or any other adoption blog. Accreditations have expired. Yes. This we knew would happen. It's not like Russia put a sudden stop to everything, it's something that's been happening over time. Now there is a process in place to get things going again. Any agency interested in working in Russia has applied for accreditation. Now it is up to the government to decide when that paperwork will be approved. So until then we wait.


Melissa said...

It is so unfortunate for those who are waiting. During the wait though you can get the house and the kids rooms in order. Finish those projects you keep putting off. Try and keep busy. Read, read, read for fun. Because once the little ones come home, you wont have the time.

Christen L said...

Hope things get moving again quickly. Funny, I've had 3 people from back home email me to say "oh my gosh... did you hear ... what does this mean for you?" I'm like, ok people - first of all, yes I knew this was coming, second, it doesn't effect us at all... it will be taken care of ... soon, hopefully. :)

mommyto5 said...

I know this wait is such the pits and often hard to explain to others not familiar with the process. Keep the faith your turn is coming! My prayers are with you:)

Robert & Sherry said...

Hey Brandie,

I'll give you a call tomorrow night. I have been on the phone with every member of my family and haven't had a chance to call anyone else. I'm waiting for my ear to fall off!