We have been very busy over the past month!!! I'm sorry I haven't updated the site, I hope all the pics in this post make up for any hard feelings!!!
Well, lets see, over the past few weeks we went on a trip to South Carolina and North Carolina, N wrote the alphabet for the first time, she started school, we went pumpkin and apple picking and as you can see took lots of photos. I hope you enjoy!

This is a family photo taken at the apple farm.

N picking apples with my dad.

A family photo of my side, my two sisters, mom and my dad being goofy (not uncommon).

B finally happy he caught an apple.

B thinking he can eat the apple... after all he does have six teeth!!

B fighting the urge to throw the apple at someone.

N and Steve after picking the ONE!!

N and her cousin A taking a snack break in the corn maze.

Making mommy happy and posing for the "Kidz photo"

N and A with my mom.

N with her first dozen and a half of roses (yes she got more than me -- I only got 12 red roses!!)... which Steve gave to her on our wedding anniversary. (I didn't realize kids got gifts too... hahaha) I think he just wanted to be the first guy to give her flowers --- and it worked... he made her soooooooo happy! Then she asked "Papa, why you give mama and N flowers?" He looked at her and then at me and said... "Because I love you." How sweet. Meanwhile here I was later that night joking around asking if I would get three dozen next year -- he looked at me and asked why-- I said because you brought home two bouquets this year. He said... no honey they really are her roses not yours!!! Well just burst my bubble!!

This is N's first time writing out the alphabet.

N's first day of school, as we leave to go to the bus stop.

N as she got on the bus.

N in her classroom.

Steve and the two kids relaxing on my grandparent's dock in SC.

N and my grandfather getting ready to fish.