Friday, October 31, 2008

First Snow Day

Yes that's right --- N had her first Snow Day and Day off school. Tuesday morning she woke up to a winter wonderland. Her eyes lit up and she was sooooo excited! We had to tell her there was no school that day. She looked confused but seemed to accept it. What's funny is she ran back into her room and got her photo book that we gave her during our first visit to the orphanage, she ran out and said "Look!!" She showed us the photo of our home, and sure enough it had snow. Makes me wonder how much she thought about the snow and wondered when she'd see it since it was in the photo and we brought her home in the summer. Steve was impressed and commented on what a memory, because neither of us remembered it was a winter photo of the home.!!
Oh and I wanted to say the first photo of N -- she is wearing a white and blue sweater and hat a good friend of mine made her. N just loves it.!!

1 comment:

Christen L said...

Wow! That is a ton of snow for so early!! I was totally expecting to find fall leaves and costumes today when I checked the blog. ;) How fun is this though?!

Love that handmade knitting. So pretty.