Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Introducing Boris

My husband and I have known we were going to adopt for about a year now. During this time I did lots of research on accreditation, agencies and I even became a regular visitor to many blog sites. (all have helped inspire and inform me during this process... some are listed on the side). It feels go to know that finally we are moving in this process.
Our little boy has fondly become known as "Boris". It's something I've since learned isn't uncommon for adopting families to do. Picking out a nickname for the child before you even know him is a way to start connecting with him. For the past year my family grew to understand that when they came to visit they would be staying in "Boris's" room.
At first they laughed at me. "Why are you calling him Boris? Do you know who you are getting? Is that is real name?" The answer is no. We simply picked the name Boris so we had a reference point when talking about the child and because Steve liked the name. You see, Steve is an athlete. A state champ in wrestling. And well, according to him Russians have done nicely in the Olympics... and so picked the name Boris... at least for now. (I think there might have been a champion wrestler named Boris -- somewhere) So Boris it will be on this site. (I've noticed how the child's real name is usually protected in the posts).
A few weeks ago we went to see the movie Rocky, boy am I glad that didn't come out a year ago... for all I know we could be calling our boy "Rocky"---- Don't laugh... we have a Butkus!! (a black lab)

Monday, January 29, 2007

How Cool!!

Thanks for all the kind words and comments. I work nights and I got home around 12:30 am and my husband surprised me when I got home and said, "Did you see you had 3 comments on the blog".... I quickly said... "well it's up to six... (thanks Melissa for the shout out!!) but wow honey you looked!!" And as of this moment it is up to eight. It's so nice to know there is a supportive community out there. Thank you to everyone. And to Susan -- thanks for the info on how to post a clock. As you can see.. I DID IT!! I even posted a map and temp. site. Thanks.

Our progress thus far:
Today our social worker sent our homestudy to the agency. This is just an e-mailed version for review. An official one will be sent once our agency director reviews it and makes any corrections. Our agency director e-mailed me last week and asked for a scanned copy of our passports.
It felt good that for once she was finally asking me for things!!!!
I don't know what will come of this step.... But if I understand correctly we should plan to have things ready to send off to Russia by Mid Feb.
But don't quote me on this..... :)

Sunday, January 28, 2007


This is my first blog site. I will try to post as much as possible about our adoption here. Please feel free to leave comments and ask questions.

My husband and I live in the Pocono region of Pennsylvnia and are in the process of adopting from Russia. We are excited and can't wait to meet our future child.