Hi there!
Long time since I posted.
Life has been good. We are keeping busy as you can imagine.
N is in softball and having a blast. O and L are talking up a storm. O is doing great in speech therapy-- I'll get into that a little later. B is as happy as a boy can be with three sisters!!!
O thinks she will grow up and become a princess!! She thinks Steve is her prince and loves greeting him by yelling... "My Prince is home!!"
Below are a few pictures to enjoy.
The Adventures of our Family
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Monday, December 21, 2009
A Thorn among Roses
What are little boys made of?
Frogs and snails
And puppy-dogs' tails,
That's what little boys are made of.
What are little girls made of?
Sugar and spice
And all that's nice,
That's what little girls are made of
Okay so we head out to see Santa, and all the girls sat nice as Bobby decided this wasn't a good idea.

Frogs and snails
And puppy-dogs' tails,
That's what little boys are made of.
What are little girls made of?
Sugar and spice
And all that's nice,
That's what little girls are made of
Okay so we head out to see Santa, and all the girls sat nice as Bobby decided this wasn't a good idea.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Hello..... Anyone out there???
Sorry it's been a YEAR since I posted!!!
Lots of changes over here!!! We have two new additions!!
I gave birth to little Lauren in July, and we brought Luba home from Russia in Nov.
And a week after bringing Luba home we moved!!! Am I nuts... yes..!!!
Here is our new family photo... nothing like being sleep deprived from two weeks in Russia, coming home to four kids packing up a house, moving and then unpacking --- and deciding it's time for a new family photo!!

My new year's resoulation is to post at least once a week with a photo or two.. so please stay tuned!!
My new year's resoulation is to post at least once a week with a photo or two.. so please stay tuned!!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Okay -- Who's Billy?
I'm sorry it's been a while since my last post.. life just seems to be getting ahead of me!!
Anyway N came home with this turkey she made in school for Thanksgiving. On it it says she's thankful for mommy, daddy, B, Mrs. Blase her teacher, and.......BILLY!
Okay -- so I ask her "Who is Billy?"
"Oh, Billy likes me!" she replies.
I guess it's okay she's thankful that Billy likes her. Especially since she now says she doesn't like Billy-- she says he screams too much.
"No I didn't eat B"!
Oh and here's a funny story for ya.....
Steve the other day was in the kitchen and yelled for me to come and help him understand what she was trying to say.
Steve: "Brandie, do you know what she's talking about... I can't figure it out?"
N turns to me and says "Member mom.... member... you ate B. member"
Me: "Ate B... ah... no.... are you talking about when I blow on his tummy, or eat his toes... is that what you are talking about?"
N: "NO.... you ate B! " she then puts her hands in front of her belly and sticks her belly out. "Member mom when B was in your belly --you ate him!"
Me: Remembering she saw a picture of me when I was preg. (I will spare you the photo!) and asked why my belly was so big. I remember I told her B was in there. At that time the talk ended. But now I'm realizing she had understood it differently than I thought.
Me: "ah.. no honey, I didn't eat him."
N: "if you didn't eat him, how did he get in there?"
Steve: "good question,-- the stork did it!" he says as he walks out of the room.
Me: "God put him there." I said
N: looks at me and asks well how did he get out?
Steve yells from the other room..."again the stork did it!"
Then a few days later she asks why Sophie our little dog has black eyes. I told her it's because that's the way God made her. She looks at me and what seemed to be in total understanding says... "oh, when you ate her too."---- NO I DIDN'T EAT SOPHIE!! No Sophie was never in my belly!!
Then at dinner one night she asked me "so, mom, you ate B and B's here, so you ate me and now I'm here right."
I look at her and smiled and said.... "Yes you both are here and mommy and daddy love you both.. and for the last time NO I did not eat anyone!! okay."
She smiled and continued eating her dinner.
The mind of a five year old!!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
Halloween was great! Our neighborhood does a "Trunk or Treat" where the kids do a parade and the parents park near the community center. Then the kids walk around to all the parked cars and "trick or treat" out of the trunks of the cars. I was told to decorate the trunk so I did, but this was my first year and I quickly found out that not everyone does. Oh well, the kids liked it.
I like this system better than walking around our neighborhood... we live in the woods -- and we'd have to drive our kids around and it would take a long time. N loved the fact that Walter and Sophie were able to dress up and participate too.
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