Saturday, December 13, 2008

Okay -- Who's Billy?

I'm sorry it's been a while since my last post.. life just seems to be getting ahead of me!!

Anyway N came home with this turkey she made in school for Thanksgiving. On it it says she's thankful for mommy, daddy, B, Mrs. Blase her teacher, and.......BILLY!

Okay -- so I ask her "Who is Billy?"

"Oh, Billy likes me!" she replies.
I guess it's okay she's thankful that Billy likes her. Especially since she now says she doesn't like Billy-- she says he screams too much.

"No I didn't eat B"!

Oh and here's a funny story for ya.....

Steve the other day was in the kitchen and yelled for me to come and help him understand what she was trying to say.

Steve: "Brandie, do you know what she's talking about... I can't figure it out?"

N turns to me and says "Member mom.... member... you ate B. member"

Me: "Ate B... ah... no.... are you talking about when I blow on his tummy, or eat his toes... is that what you are talking about?"

N: "NO.... you ate B! " she then puts her hands in front of her belly and sticks her belly out. "Member mom when B was in your belly --you ate him!"

Me: Remembering she saw a picture of me when I was preg. (I will spare you the photo!) and asked why my belly was so big. I remember I told her B was in there. At that time the talk ended. But now I'm realizing she had understood it differently than I thought.

Me: "ah.. no honey, I didn't eat him."

N: "if you didn't eat him, how did he get in there?"

Steve: "good question,-- the stork did it!" he says as he walks out of the room.

Me: "God put him there." I said

N: looks at me and asks well how did he get out?

Steve yells from the other room..."again the stork did it!"


Then a few days later she asks why Sophie our little dog has black eyes. I told her it's because that's the way God made her. She looks at me and what seemed to be in total understanding says... "oh, when you ate her too."---- NO I DIDN'T EAT SOPHIE!! No Sophie was never in my belly!!


Then at dinner one night she asked me "so, mom, you ate B and B's here, so you ate me and now I'm here right."

I look at her and smiled and said.... "Yes you both are here and mommy and daddy love you both.. and for the last time NO I did not eat anyone!! okay."

She smiled and continued eating her dinner.

The mind of a five year old!!


Melissa said...

this story brought a smile to my face and a quiet chuckle.

Becky said...

Very cute. So did you eat Walter too?? haha. So how about some picture updates??

Christen L said...

Kids are hilarious!! :)

Christen L said...

Hope you enjoyed your summer. Just checking in.