Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Still Waiting

We are still waiting to hear our "agency is accredited." I'm hoping it's soon. It was hard knowing that Russia was closed. But now to know folks are getting referrals and moving, it kinda makes the wait even harder. I want to be moving. Some say there will be another batch in a week or two, others say not until the mid/end of Aug. while others say not until Sept. Our agency director seemed to think we'd get accredited by the end of July/beg. of August. So I'm really hoping for a another batch soon.!!

I'm told that our paperwork is "next" in line to get a referral and we are requesting an older boy, so I don't anticipate the wait to be too long once the accreditation comes. But then again, it's all out of our control.


Christen L said...

In the meantime, tell us about what you've been doing this summer. Tell us about what type of child you are requesting. :) I miss your blog posts....

Hang in there! It's coming soon.

Deb said...

So exciting. You are almost there.
Hope your agency comes in the next batch.

Nancy said...


where were you last night? Our fair Queen said that we had one more of the four to sign and we would be done. IT is so close, so hang a bit longer and Boris will be with you!!